
Lola Update!

Lola recently saw our partner vet at Heidi’s Village. Dr. Grant cleared Lola for slow, short walks around the block and that’s very exciting. Lola’s progress will be slow, but we’re not in a hurry.

Dr. Grant is a bit worried about Lola’s front leg though because Lola has developed brachial plexus nerve damage which makes her hip rehab more difficult. The rehab for Lola’s FHO surgery is walking, using stairs, and moving. However, rehab for the brachial plexus damage is rest because it causes inflammation and pain. The compromise is the very slow walks so Lola’s pain doesn’t worsen.

We’ll keep you updated as Lola goes forward. We’re still in need of help with Lola’s medical bills. They haven’t stopped since she came in and we still have a long way to go. Thank you!

If you can help:
PayPal: or direct to
Venmo: @MAINRescue

Mail: checks/money orders can be sent to Medical Animals In Need (M.A.I.N), PO Box 758, El Mirage, Arizona 85335.

Please note that all donations are tax-deductible. If you require a tax receipt, please message us your email address after you have made your donation. For those that only require MAIN’s Tax ID number, it is 45-5178809.

Great news! Lola is here to prove that timing is everything.

Lola was at the vet for her initial evaluation and treatment plan. While she was there, the vet had a surgery cancellation for that day! So, she got her FHO done on her hip a week sooner than initially thought. This is exciting because the rule of thumb with hips is to get the FHO done as quickly as possible to avoid having to amputate the leg.

Lola is doing great after her surgery. As you can see, she has a stylish party hat and is enjoying the effects of her pain medicine. She has specific aftercare instructions, but her foster mom is ready, willing, and able. This isn’t her mom’s first rodeo with an FHO dog.

Thank you for all the prayers and good vibes for our girl. We’ll keep you updated on her progress.

Welcome Lola!

Lola is a Border Collie and is just 11 months old. She weighs 37 pounds and was hit by a car. She was turned over to the Arizona Humane Society and has so much going on. Lola definitely fits into our “hot mess” category.

This hot mess girl’s front left hip is luxated (dislocated), and she has a scapular fracture and rib fractures. X-rays show a soft tissue mass in her chest that is likely secondary to the trauma she sustained. Poor Lola was in such pain that she was holding her entire body at an angle trying to take pressure off her whole left side. Thankfully, she has pain medicine now to help with that.

Lola needs FHO surgery ( as quickly as possible. She’s on our vet’s schedule to have it done next week. Please send prayers, vibes, love, and healing thoughts to our pretty little hot mess.

As always, we don’t like asking, but it’s necessary. We need your help with the cost of Lola’s surgery. Even with our rescue discount, it’ll be a few thousand dollars, This surgery is always expensive, and we can’t help the dogs if we don’t have the funds.

If you can help:
PayPal: or direct to
Venmo: @MAINRescue

Mail: checks/money orders can be sent to Medical Animals In Need (M.A.I.N), PO Box 758, El Mirage, Arizona 85335.

Please note that all donations are tax-deductible. If you require a tax receipt, please message us your email address after you have made your donation. For those that only require MAIN’s Tax ID number, it is 45-5178809.

As always, any help is truly appreciated. Thank you all for being part of our MAIN Family!!

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