Meet Paddy!

At under a year old, he has infected wounds on the underside of his neck – presumably from an embedded collar that his little body actually began to grow around and absorb. It appears as if someone realized it too late, but removed it regardless of the damage and pain that the removal may have caused. There is a definite pattern all across this sweet boy’s neck above, and below – along his throat – open wounds that now have become infected…

Paddy’s Updates: After medication and tons of TLC in a loving foster home, Paddy has made a full recovery and found his perfect, fur-ever home!

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M.A.I.N. is a 501(c)(3) organization. We are 100% Volunteer Based, so 100% of your tax deductible donation goes straight the dogs!

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Medical Animals In Need
PO Box 758
El Mirage, AZ 85335



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