Hampton’s Story:

We received a call from the shelter staff this afternoon to see if we could help 10 year old Hampton and of course we couldn’t say no! Poor guy isn’t eating, is lethargic and has a bad URI. The shelter clinic provided Hampton with fluids and started him on antibiotics two days ago, but it’s not enough. So M.A.I.N. stepped in and arranged for him to get help!

Medical Update March 10th: We are so sorry to have to report this but Hampton’s time has come. He is in kidney failure and his lab values are very high. His liver is also involved in whatever is going on. There just isn’t much that could be done to even make him feel better temporarily, let alone provide a reasonable quality of life. He really felt awful and the doctors thought that the sooner there was an end to his suffering, the better. Hampton crossed The Bridge yesterday morning . Rest in Peace, Hampton…


You Can Be Their Hero!

M.A.I.N. is a 501(c)(3) organization. We are 100% Volunteer Based, so 100% of your tax deductible donation goes straight the dogs!

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What if $5.00 was all it took to save every sick and injured shelter animal from euthanasia.  Would you spend it? Learn more by visiting the 5X5 Challenge page!

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Please make your contribution payable to: Medical Animals In Need

Mail to:
Medical Animals In Need
PO Box 758
El Mirage, AZ 85335

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