Guinevere, Australian Shepherd Mix

11150719_983864521633097_4589271935515807906_nMeet Guinevere.

The shelter in Wilcox reached out to us about this darling Aussie puppy.

At just 12 weeks of age, this little girl has had a rough start….. Guinevere was allegedly hit by a car, and her owner did not seek vet treatment.

She was taken by the shelter in the hopes they could find someone to help her. She appeared to possibly have a fractured pelvis, dislocated hip or broken leg, but they were unsure at the time as no X-rays had been taken.

We don’t know what, if anything, can be done here.

Our vet is sending her x-rays around to the specialists to see what others have to say. The x-rays are baffling. We are quite certain that it didn’t look like this when she got hit. We also don’t know what could have even been done then, with all of the open growth plates she has.

What we DO know is that Guinevere is safe in a loving foster home as we await the verdict on her injuries.

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Medical Animals In Need
PO Box 758
El Mirage, AZ 85335

Guinevere’s Updates:

Guinevere has been adopted! Congrats to Guinevere and her forever family!

GuinevereGuinevere’s Adoptapet Bio: Vera: Hi, I’m Guinevere, Vera for short and I’ve had a pretty wild life so far. I was just a little tot when the best folks in the world at M.A.I.N. scooped me up and took me in. Boy did I need some TLC. The story is I may have been hit by a car and so was having trouble walking around. Time and love have helped heal my problems. Sometimes I do look a little funny walking or running, but I get around just fine, just need a little more help when it’s rainy or cold. Speaking of being just fine, my life here is great. I have dog buddies who I love to hang out with all day, plus three little humans who bring their friends over so we can all play. I am house broken, but my manners are not perfect yet (hey, remember, I’m really still just a pup). I am, however very, very obedient. So if my foster Mom spots me doing something wrong she lets me know right away. It helps. I’m learning. Hey, I know just what kind of family I’m looking for – a loving one. If you meet me I’m sure we will all fall in love with each other. Just name the day.

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