Meet Bunny!

Bunny was rescued from county with multiple infected puncture wounds. The worst is on one of her rear legs and she is not wanting to walk on it. Bunny was started on pain medicine and antibiotics right away. Bunny is also completely deaf.

Bunny’s Updates: Bunny has been adopted! Her new mom is so in love with her; congrats to Bunny and her fur-ever mommy!

You Can Be Their Hero!

M.A.I.N. is a 501(c)(3) organization. We are 100% Volunteer Based, so 100% of your tax deductible donation goes straight the dogs!

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What if $5.00 was all it took to save every sick and injured shelter animal from euthanasia.  Would you spend it? Learn more by visiting the 5X5 Challenge page!

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Please make your contribution payable to: Medical Animals In Need

Mail to:
Medical Animals In Need
PO Box 758
El Mirage, AZ 85335

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