Cole’s Story:

Cole weighs less than a pound. At just a few months old, his life so far has been agonizing and cruel. With Mange so severe that there is literally no hair left on his tiny body, he simply sits in a cardboard box and shakes.

Update, April 2012: Cole contracted Distemper while in the county shelter and was unfortunately allowed to cross the bridge.  This disease is terrible, deadly and highly contagious.  Had Cole been inoculated against it earlier, he would still be with us today.  Please make sure that your pets are up to date on their vaccines! Rest in Peace, Cole…

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M.A.I.N. is a 501(c)(3) organization. We are 100% Volunteer Based, so 100% of your tax deductible donation goes straight the dogs!

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Medical Animals In Need
PO Box 758
El Mirage, AZ 85335

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12 thoughts on “Cole, Chihuahua

  1. Euthanized…..such a “nice” word for killing 🙁 Chloe I hope you will have a long and happy life cutie

  2. I wish there was something I could do. I don’t have two nickles to rub together…but I three wonderful rescued dogs who fill my life with SO MANY things money can’t buy. Chloe is breathtakingly beautiful. I hope whoever adopts this Dog get’s a direct ticket past the gates!

  3. how is she doing? I love to help.keep me up todate.My mom and I.we help a dogs fine a nice home for them.

  4. God, she is the most adorable thing. Look at those ears! I want to kiss them. Please tell me she’s healthy and now loved…Please!

  5. I can’t find any update on Chloe. I typed her name on the website and it said “no results found” I sure hope you guys just changed her name and nothing bad happened to her.

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